To stop burning the clarification sludge of STEP of Surface in Switzerland

I found by chance on Internet that Switzerland burns currently on average 6500 tons metric of clarification sludge resulting from water treatment worn. You can carry out the gravity of the situation, but one is not done any in Switzerland, there are programs which allow that and flaring volume continuous to increase at an important speed. There are five or six power stations of purifications of the water used in operations of which most recent and important is STEP of Surface 2 which only has it finally burns approximately half of 6500 tons metric per day of excrements is located at Genèves.

See the problem when one is a doctor in geography one immediately includes/understands the gravity of the situation to his source. When one carries out a business as that one one cannot pass to side one includes/understands immediately. I know how the ground turns, I know about what that can feel and what that can make like effect on the human beings and the environment or that will fall. I will see and visit, then to study a lesson of history. And then here, I very strongly realize why maintaining amongst other things there were as many wars in ex-Yugoslavia for example. But the official version in Switzerland, it is we are a small population and one disturbs nobody. One is made disturb by 370 million Europeans. See them now.

Project to send 6500 tons metric of clarification sludge Switzerland in the desert of the Sahara

Lastly, a project for the desert of Tripolitaine which could revalorize the landscape environment of a treasure of the Mediterranean. Could you imagine only one moment on 2500 square kilometres of desert of active dunes that one day one can set up a jewel of Mecque.

Yes, maintaining it is possible and at the cost most ridiculously low that you would never have imagined it. And you have the possibility in hand now of starting work of straps of framings with a ridiculously low budget, you will have 650 concrete-mixers with full shits per day at your disposal, fairly the tiny expenses of the costs of all the lybian operation. Do you know that?

The Project of 120,000 Euros per days

It is not far 1500 kilometers nowadays with the means of transport at our disposal. Today to State-Plain conveyer in the truck almost will make 1000 kilometers in one working day 12 noon. I cannot say to you exactly of course, it is necessary that they live with reality too. But it is full on the roads, it is not believable how much there are some who make 250,000 kilometers per years in their truck between two destinations. It became current thing. One wants their to propose other alternatives to the deliveries well but often the truck quite simply remains the best solution. Lastly, it on a road is asphalted and practicable step necessarily on perfectly flat ground. What one very often notices, a stocked highway as that may be but not envisaged to take some even more than what master key already is in repairs on 100 kilometer, of the bulldozers, the mechanical shovels, the tractors of all qualities which very often trail along sewers structures of roads such standard lamps in construction in assembly and waiting to be installed on structures still cased out of reinforced concrete it does not matter. The trucks run in it as if nothing were not and the drivers make their 1000 kilometers nevertheless, and take turns when they are very urgent deliveries. They have a route traced well in hand, a cellular telephone with their range, they have already an appointment of fixed at a place and at one hour determined well and when they arrive at this place, a driver leave the truck and another driver takes his place. That there are police forces or not police forces all seems to happen in the order in general. The place of change of driver can be close to a base of rest or the drivers meet and are replaced regularly. All their operations are followed remotely by the shippers who are often ready to intervene in the network interns especially when they are deliveries to the chain on interminable loops. I lime pits well the inspector who voluntarily will do his work in all this tumble and to be made respect without authorities assigned.

Finally in all way in the United States there is not that. There is not a situation as in Europe, in Switzerland which on a heightening altitudinale, is with the catches with an incapacity of mobility in the laws multiligues of the international payments, a south which must be caught by the south-west and which carries out in an inland sea surrounded by desert on its beaches of north and not any beaches, they acts of the sandiest beaches of the world, the Moslem field. Incredible. Swiss Mister will have to put his skis to find himself in hunting ground to partridge and to run to the coal industrial port of high funds to go obscure water patauger towards a destination sun or it never there rains and that there is that sand with losses of sight and some million men maintaining of different culture or it is necessary traditionally to carry a mask to breathe. Then, it is not beautiful that. One does not see that in the United States. One sees many businesses but businesses like that one there is not.

This is why just by gravity, there is immediately average to make decrease half the delivered price while making pass worn muds of all the “Step d' Aïres” in an acrylic resin PVC pipeline 40 centimetres in diameter and a centimetre thickness pipe between all the “Step d' Aïres” to Switzerland to the northern coast of Corsica, and that up to nine months per years without almost aucuns dangers of blockings. It is enough to choose a topographic course which respects a unevenness of always regressive altitude up to the major point between France and Corsica at sea the Mediterranean and at this precise point, to connect the pipeline to a wreck which would be an enormous steel bottle of the dimension of a super-tanker or an enormous nuclear submarine and thickness of these ships. The bottle would be completely tight, like a species of batiscarphe, there would be doors on the top and on the very low sides to have access inside and when these doors would be closed, the doors would be very tight and there would be one or more valves which could allow outside to go to push cylinders of compressed air inside but these valves at the same time would be completely tight and would not let pass another thing, like when one blows a tire of car. Then the pipeline coming from Switzerland and France would be connected to this enormous bottle and all waste of the “Step d' Aïres” would go in the enormous bottle only by the gravity located to deepest of the Mediterranean on the shortest way between France and Corsica. Then, there would be another pipeline of the same dimension which would leave Corsica and by the shortest way of the coast of Corsica until deepest of the Mediterranean would also connect itself to this enormous bottle. In this section of pipeline, there would be a second acrylic resin PVC pipe approximately 10 centimetres in diameter which would also leave Corsica to the enormous bottle. The end of the pipeline 40 centimetres in diameter in Corsica would be except ground with the free air and not under an aqueous surface. The second pipeline 10 centimetres in diameter while passing inside the pipeline 40 centimetres in diameter would pass in the free air until deepest of the Mediterranean in the enormous bottle, would be connected to a gigantic pump functioning with the diesel whose volume of the machine would be approximately 1000 cubic meters. Then the system could thus pump the enormous bottle and when the phénomème of circulation by decantation would come, there would be just to slow down pumping by reducing the engine of the pump or even quite simply to turn off the engine and to disconnect the pipeline of 10 centimetres of the giant pump and to collect the damage to spread them and let them perforate. There you imagine then already the economy between the point highest and the point low. Then then pump in the trucks and that the race starts.

And then…

And then the Swiss trucks would pile up the clarification sludge used in sufficiently tight tanks to go to make small strolls. All these trucks breathers would be placed in line of waiting at all the place or one manufactures true worn clarification sludge resulting from power stations of water treatment worn. And the trucks would be filled up at the exit of the excrement which would not be conveyed with the incineration. That does not want to say that the trucks will transport a completely liquid soup, far from there. Mud would nevertheless be treated in evaporators which would make it possible to reduce in a reasonable way volume and to control the density of it. One would choose a certain density and one would respect our agreements. Then, trotts it begins direction railroad or direction port of Marseilles. That made that me I do not know exactly but in the truck that would turn around 100 to 300 kilometers to join the railroad and one transvases the trucks with the railroad to make it make the remainder from 600 to approximately 800 kilometers. If it is too complicated the railroad, one would go directly to the wearing of Marseilles in the truck which would be approximately 600 to 900 kilometers. If the trucks must return quickly to the starting point in this last case, there is one second team of truck drivers which take the changing for the way of the return. And with the Port, there is a dock, this dock is the carpark of the oil boat of bulk assigned to make the cross bar of the Mediterranean. Filled well, after the passage of the trucks or the tanks of trains, after a second or a third transvidage, the boat leaves the port for another 300 to 700 kilometers for any destination like Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Algeria, Tunisia, Lybie or even Morocco. If you do not want oil tanker to make this transport, it could be a armada ship-barges solid conveyers of residues of the Steppes of Surfaces could consist of 100 barges with double steel hulls including 20 centimetres of styrofoam between the hulls being able to transport 100 cubic meters of liquids in bulk. And these ship-barges could be attached and detached from/to each other and be drawn the ones with the others or separately. And it could be trawlers which would have the contract to draw the barges from one side to another of the Mediterranean or it could be drawn by a nuclear submarine especially prepared for this function, it could only be even transported by floating in rather light aluminum barrels when they are empty 50 liters and filled up with a maximum of 40 liters so that the barrels remain very tight and in floating and which could be attached the ones to the others either with a chain or or with a very solid cable, the goods would be delivered up to a point and are taken again thereafter by another system to finish the special delivery at the selected place and thus of continuation. Then it does not matter with which wearing of the Mediterranean or North Africa it will have made an agreement pre-approval of course by a decisional committee posted on the spot. The old oil boat become filled up boat of excrements in bulk or one or more full barges, or several thousands of barrels filled up and transported in floating would be or would be emptied in trucks concrete-mixers which would be filled up quite full. And there would be two groups of trucks concrete-mixers. The first group of concrete-mixers would be on wheels of roads and the second group of concrete-mixers would be crawler-mounted mechanics. While the first group will be localized with the port chosen while waiting for to be filled up by the supplies coming from the sea and would circulate on roads, the second group of concrete-mixers would be located on the site of dunes in full desert of the unattainable Sahara in normal time that the committee would have chosen to improve by this type of intervention landscape designer while waiting to be supplied by the first group of concrete-mixers. Then the first group of trucks concrete-mixers once filled up to the port would have released the contents of the oil boat or boat-barges of bulk or barrels filled delivered in floating from there would meet the second group of trucks concrete-mixers to the site of work. At this time, a blow join, the first group empties half of its contents in the second group. Then, there are mechanical shovel trucks on the spot and the concrete-mixers are filled up of sand of the dunes of the desert in second half of space of the tanks of the concrete-mixers to make a mixture half-half solid residues of worn water which would be in fact the shits of source of Switzerland which would have if not burned with the governmental sites of hygiene and the sand of the dunes that they would have chosen to enrich in the environment. Then they mélangeraint all sets the two groups of concrete-mixers and they would place in only one pure cement bag of approximately 30 kg in the contents of a full concrete-mixer shit-sand which would be made mix, history to retain dust a little, but hardly. Then when the whole would be well mixed, all the trucks concrete-mixers would be ready to spread the mixture in the desert. Then spread well, they would pass a little from the bulldozers and of the mechanical rollers on sand and they attenderaient that that is dry to study the results of them. The chain of deliveries should be always moving. They could remake the side of the roads with the concrete-mixers on wheels, to refit sites of drillings, to clean sand sinitres after storms with the mechanical concrete-mixers crawler-mounted, etc And it would as be an interminable loop so much and a long time as there would be clarification sludge of water used to disencumber what should say in any time since it comes out from it to clean or bleach the environment at the same time Suisse and French since it is about surplus of which he is essenciel to get rid. All the employees would be provided with a cellular telephone with their clean numbers individual so that it would be always possible to it join them with work does not matter or they would be located in the network at the time or their verbal answer would be claimed. All the vehicles implied in this organization would be provided with the systems of detection and localization by satellites so that it would be always possible to know where all the vehicles and all the tools would be including trucks, coaches, boats, pumps, concrete-mixers, mechanical shovels, bulldozers, barrels, etc the investment of heavy material would be almost about billion Euros thus it would be legitimate which the company which would shelter it would be a company dimensioned out of purses with a number with ten digits. That would make reduce the desert of the Sahara and to increase the fertility of the ground in all the places which would be treated in this way and at the same time that would give a better quality of the air in Europe to the East of Switzerland and that would give a better quality of life to all those which viveraient or would work along the course Suisse and French in the routing of the shits.

Last update on August 15, 2005